Recently we had the pleasure of interviewing Gene Noble, an amazing artist who has been making waves in the music industry. During the IG LIVE, we discussed his upbringing, his influences and what motivates him to keep making music.

Gene Noble was always surrounded by music. His mother was a singer too, so it was only natural that he gravitated towards a career in music. After years of singing background vocals on stadium tours with iconic artists like John Legend, Chris Brown, Sting and many others, Gene is embarking upon a personal dream quest. He is taking centerstage as a solo act! Toting a brand-new recording deal, a tenacious swag and a voice like liquid gold, Gene has launched a journey to take the spotlight as the main attraction.
If you want to see this talent Grammy nominated songwriter & singer, then purchase tickets to his live show at The Promontory on December 10th. In the meantime, head on over to Instagram to check out the full interview or press play on the video below.