Throughout the winter months, the brutal cold takes a toll on my skin. I don’t know about you but I tend to experience extremely dry and flaky skin. I’ve tried a number of products to repair the damages from the cold months but it’s been a battle. Through trial and error, I’ve found my favorite winter moisturizers. These three products are really effective in keeping my skin silky smooth.
Before I talk about my favorite moisturizers, I want to share an important tip. In order to really maintain healthy skin year round, it is advisable to consume more water in the winter months than usual. Since it’s so cold, our water consumption tends to decrease which effects many things in the body– including our skin. So chug-a-lug!
Now that you got the tip on moisturizing the inside of your body, let’s look at what I use to keep my skin glistening on the red carpet:
Jergens Ultra Healing
I like to use Jergens as a daily moisturizer. The formula is lightweight and not extremely greasy but gets the job done! Once applied, it seems to last for several hours without having to reapply it.
Raw Shea Butter
I like to use this as a daily moisturizer as well. Using raw shea butter is a better alternative than using something that has a lot of unknown chemicals. Natural/Raw moisturizers allow me to have control on what the ingredients consist of. Shea Butter has a high level of non-saponifiables and other qualities that makes it a popular ingredient in many cosmetic supplies, lotions, and other skin care products.
Shea Butter can improve skin elasticity, which has made it popular with both men and women. Today it is used as an essential ingredient for belly butters and stretch mark creams.
More than that, though, Shea Butter can also block the sun’s ultraviolet rays, so you will often find it as a major ingredient in sun block products, lip balms, and lip gloss. It can also be used as an anti-inflammatory and humectants which makes it very useful in medicinal ointments and creams.
Johnson’s Baby Oil Gel With Shea & Cocoa Butter
If I want to add a little shine to my legs, I usually opt for Johnson’s Baby Oil Gel. Since it’s made with pure mineral oil, this concentrated gel locks in up to 10 times more moisture on wet skin than an ordinary lotion can on dry skin. And with nourishing shea and cocoa butters, it helps leave skin glowing and feeling baby-soft . The only downside about it for me is the formula can be a bit greasy. I suggest applying it and then putting on your clothes right away so some of the oils can be absorbed.
I hope some of these recommendations can help you clear up your dry skin during the winter months. Comment below and let me know some of your go-to moisturizers during the bitter cold season.